Wildfly Application Server



This release migrates the Civic Platform Web Server and App Server from JBoss Application Server and Java 1.7 to Wildfly Application Server and Java 1.8.

Converting certificates to Java KeyStore format

All certificates, whether new or existing, must now be in Java KeyStore (JKS) format. This is applicable to av.biz, av.cfmx, av.indexer, and av.web servers.

To convert an existing certificate to JKS format for all necessary av.* files:

  1. Look up the host name in the av.{server type}/conf/av/ServerConfig.properies file
  2. Locate the {av.host}.crt and {av.host}.key key pair in the av.{server type}/conf/certs directory.
  3. Using either OpenSSL-Win64 or OpenSSL-Win32, create the necessary .p12 file by running this command:
    openssl pkcs12 -export -in <av.host>.crt -passin pass:changeit -inkey 
       <av.host>.key -out <av.host>.p12 -passout pass:changeit -name myserverkey1
  4. Add the new .p12 file to the Java KeyStore by running this command:
    keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass changeit -destkeypass changeit -destkeystore 
        <av.host>.jks -destkeypass changeit -srckeystore <av.host>.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 
        -srcstorepass changeit -alias myserverkey1