Initial Setup

The Accela GIS system administrator is the first user of the GIS Admin site. The system administrator account and password are defined during the installation of the Accela GIS server component. After the Accela GIS installation, the system administrator must login to GIS Admin to perform the following initial setup:

  1. Change the system administration account password on the login page.

  2. Add the first agency on the Agency section of GIS Admin.

    After adding the agency, the system administrator can either continue with configuring the agency’s initial map profile and product integration, or assign this responsibility to the agency administrator (to be created in the following step).

  3. Add the first agency administrator on the User section of GIS Admin. An agency administrator can manage Accela GIS configurations only for his or her assigned agency.


    This step is optional. An agency administrator can register himself or herself on the GIS Admin login page.

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