Examining Attachment Details

The following table lists and defines fields that may be available as you work with attachments.

Table 1. Attachment Fields
ACA Permission Displays the access permissions to the file for the selected ACA user groups. By default, permission control on the document is inherited from the document type that the document belongs to in Civic Platform Classic.
Alternate ID This read-only field displays the Alternate ID of the record that the document is uploaded to.
Department This is the department that is responsible for reviewing the document or who currently is in possession of it.
Display Image This is a display image, or icon, you can apply to a document. See Setting the Display Image.
Document Description A brief description of the document.
Document Group/Category This is the document group and category for the file. When selecting a document group, the category field drop-down list changes to provide list items for the selected document group.
Document Name This is the title for the document.
Document Status This read-only field displays the status of the document.
Document Status Date This read-only field displays the date the document status was last updated.
EDMS Name The name of your agency’s electronic document management system. Note that this field may have either of these labels, depending upon your agency’s configuration.
Entity Type This read-only field displays the original entity to which the document is uploaded; for example, record, inspection, or professional.
Entity This read-only field displays the entity type (Record Type Alias or Record Type, Inspection Type, or License Type) plus the entity ID (Alt ID, Inspection ID, or State License #) to which the document is uploaded.
File Name This read-only field shows name of the file as it displays in the source location.
Inspection This read-only field displays the inspection type if the document is attached to an inspection.
Modified By This read-only field shows the user account that last modified the document.
Modified Date This read-only field shows when the document was last updated in the record.
Record Type Alias This read-only field displays the record type alias, if any, of the record that the document is uploaded to.
Size This read-only field shows the file size of the document.
Type This read-only field displays the file format of the document; for example, image/JPEG or PDF.
Uploaded By This read-only field shows when the document was uploaded to the record.
User Email One or multiple email addresses that you want associated with the attachment. Separate multiple addresses by a comma.
Virtual Folders A virtual folder for storing the attachment. With virtual folders, you can organize uploaded attachments in groups, enabling you to better track attachments.