Examining Model Details

The tables in this section list and define the fields that you may see on the portlets and forms you work with when doing model maintenance.

Model Detail Fields

The following table lists and defines the available fields (listed in alphabetical order) on the Model detail form.

Table 1. Model Detail Field Descriptions
Active Indicates if a model active or disabled.
Allow Others to Modify Indicates whether other users (other than the creator) can make changes to a model.
Allow Others to Use Indicates whether other people within your agency can create applications using this model.
Category The category of the model record.
Created By The user who created the model.
Created Date The model creation date.
Detailed Description A description of the model. The description may include specifics that help to identify the model and set it apart from similar models.
Group The group from the model record.
Maximum Init Count This number defines how many applications a user can create from the model at any one time.
Name The name for the model.
Subtype The subtype from the model record.
Title The title for your model.
Type The type from the model record.

Modeling Main Page Fields

The following table lists and defines the available fields (listed in alphabetical order) on the Modeling main page.

Table 2. Modeling Main Page Field List
Category The category from the model record.
Group The group from the model record.
Location Option A suitable location for the modeling record. Options include:

No Prompting: Civic Platform does not prompt a window and directly creates a model record.

Prompt for Address: Civic Platform searches for an existing address and associate it with the model record.

Prompt for Parcel:Civic Platform searches for an existing parcel and associate it with the model record.

Use Current Parcel Owner: Defines whether to use the current parcel owner information.
Maximum Init Count This number limits how many applications you can create from the model at any one time.
Quantity to Initialize This is the quantity you want to initialize for your model.
Set Membership Option Select Set Membership information.
Status The status of the model.
Subtype The subtype from the model record.
Type The type from the model record.

Variation Details

The following table lists and defines the available fields (listed in alphabetical order) for Variation.

Table 3. Variation Details
Active Defines whether the variation is available for use.
Allow Multiple Choice Defines whether to allow a user to choose one or more options for a singe variation. For example, in an electrical variation, a person might select one or more of the following choices: additional outlets, ceiling fans, additional light switches, and stereo wiring.
Display Order This defines the display order of variations. 1 is first in the display order.
Variation Name A name for the variation.

Choice Occupancy Details

The following table lists and defines the available fields (listed in alphabetical order) for Choice Occupancy.

Table 4. Choice Occupancy Details
Adjust/Set Defines whether to adjust or set the square footage or the count. For example, a variation removes ten feet from the width of a two-story house that is 30 feet deep, you can adjust the square footage by -600 square feet.
Display Order This defines the display order of occupancy choices.
Occupancy Displays the occupancy that you chose when you created the variation choice occupancy. Use the valuation calculator to establish the occupancy options.
Qty The quantity by which you want to adjust or set the square footage or the count. For example, if a variation adds a bay window that is three feet by five feet, you adjust the square footage by 15 feet.
Sqft/Count Displays the square footage or the count that coincides with the variation choice occupancy. Use the valuation calculator to establish the square footage and the count.
Unit Displays the unit that coincides with the variation choice occupancy. Use the valuation calculator to establish the units.
Unit Type Displays the unit type that you chose when you created the variation choice occupancy. Use the valuation calculator to establish the unit types.