Generating or Regenerating a Random Audit Set

After you have defined the parameters for the audit set, you can generate the audit set. Civic Platform returns a list of randomly chosen records or inspections within the parameters of the audit set. You can now execute a script or run a report on this set of items.

If you have supervisor privileges, the Generate Audit button displays with the label ‘Regenerate Audit’ after initial set generation.

To generate a random audit

  1. Navigate to the Sets portlet and click the Random Audit tab.

    Civic Platform displays the random audits list and detail portlet.

  2. Locate the random audit you want to generate. Click the link under the Set ID column for the random audit set you want to generate.

    Civic Platform displays the random audit set detail portlet.

  3. Click the Set Member tab.

  4. If you just created the set, click Generate Audit to create the audit set.

    If you already generated the set, a list of records displays in the Set Member tab.

  5. If you want to update the audit set, click Regenerate Audit.

    Civic Platform returns a set of items chosen randomly according to the parameters defined for the audit set. The number of items in the set displays on the Set Member tab.