Assigning an Asset ID Mask

The asset identification mask is the default prefix for an asset type. Enter an asset ID mask if your agency uses customized abbreviations or number schemes for assets. Civic Platform adds this code as a prefix to any new assets of this asset type.

An ID mask defines the format of the asset number. ID masks support 2-digit and 4-digit year, or any length of sequence number. An asset ID mask can contain strings that show part of the asset number that Civic Platform recognizes and acts on before showing the asset ID to users. The basic keys that Civic Platform recognizes and defines are in Table 1. The delimiter to separate the keys from the text is the ‘$’ sign. Enclose all of the keys in a pair of ‘$’ signs. For example, to make it easy to identify a ball field the asset ID mask might start with BLF, which indicates ball fields. Examples of asset ID mask numbering schemes and their output are in Table 2.

Table 1. Asset ID Mask Keys
Key Description Example
YY Two digit year 07 for 2007
YYYY Four digit year 2007
DD Two digit day 20 for 4/20/07
MM Two digit month 06 for June
MMM Three character month APR for April
TSEQAzz Generates a sequence number. This key must be after a hyphen or at the end of the ID Mask so the sequence number is at the end of the asset ID. The sequence number depends on the values of T and zz. T specifies the level where you set the sequence. For example, generate sequence number at the Type level. A specifies that the sequence number resets annually, as the year changes. zz specifies the size of the sequence number generated, which should not be greater than 09. The sequence number generated plus the rest of the asset ID must not exceed thirty characters. TSEQ03 generates a 3 digit sequence number. Many asset ID masks include a brief description before the sequence number such as BLD for the buildings asset types or BLF for baseball fields

.Assets with the same group type share sequence numbers. For example, a hydrant and manhole are both nodes, which share the same sequence number such as 131.

Assets with the same asset type have different sequence numbers. For example, a water line and a sewer line are different asset types. The sewer line might have 012 as a sequence number and the water line might have 023 as a sequence number. For example: $YY$-$TSEQA05$,$MM$-$TSEQA02$, but it does not support “$YY$-$GSEQA04$”
Table 2. Asset ID Mask Examples
Mask Output
Anything $YY$-$DD$-$MM$-$MMM$-anything-$GSEQ04$-anything Anything -07-20-04-APR-anything-013- anything
B$YY$-$GSEQ03$ B07-123
BP$YY$-$GSEQ03$ BP07-234
EP-$GSEQ04$ EP-2237
X$YY$-$GSEQ05$ X07-71984
$YY$BLD-00000-$TSEQ03$ 07BLD-00000-121

When you clone an asset ID, Civic Platform uses the Asset ID Mask if you leave the Asset ID prefix blank. For example, you have set the Asset ID Mask for a hydrant to $YY$SW-$TSEQ03$. When a user clones a hydrant asset, they have the choice of entering a custom asset ID prefix or leaving the field blank. If the user leaves the asset ID prefix blank, all of the new clones start with generated Asset ID Mask. For example, if you clone a hydrant in March 2008 the generated ID mask is 08SW-151.