The SG-PERCENTAGE formula lets you assess the fee of a fee item based on the sum of other fees that belong to the same subgroup as the fee item.

Similar to fee indicators, which Civic Platform uses to identify a single valuation, subgroups let you identify multiple valuations for all fee items with the same subgroup. When you configure fee items, you have the option to associate each fee with a unique subgroup. To include additional fee items in the same subgroup, you must use the same subgroup code for each fee item you want to include in the subgroup.

Input Parameter Format




There are four fees in the same subgroup SUBGROUP75: Electrical fee of $35, Planning Review fee of $10, Checking fee of $40, and Building Permit fee of the SG-PERCENTAGE formula, and with 75 as its calc variable.

After you add the Electrical fee, Planning fee, and Building Permit fee (quantity: 1) to a record,

The Building Permit fee = ($35 + $10) * 75% = $33.75.

After you invoice the Electrical fee, if the Standard Choice SG-PERCENTAGE_EXCLUDE_INVOICED_FEE is Yes,

The Building Permit fee = $10 * 75% = $7.50.

And if you invoice the Building Permit fee, and add the Checking fee to the record, if the Standard Choice SG-PERCENTAGE_EXCLUDE_INVOICED_FEE is Yes,

The Building Permit fee = $7.50.

Input Parameter Definitions

a The percentage point which you want to multiply with the subgroup total. For example, if you want to assess a fee that is 75% of the subgroup sum, enter 75.


  • You can configure the Standard Choice SG-PERCENTAGE_EXCLUDE_INVOICED_FEE to determine whether to include the fees of all the other fee items in the sum, or only the fees of the fee items that are of the New status. Note that if the Standard Choice SG-PERCENTAGE_EXCLUDE_INVOICED_FEE is Yes, when users recalculate the fees in a record, and the fee item of the SG-PERCENTAGE formula has an “Invoiced” status, the recalculation does not change the value of the fee item.

  • Any subtotal that you calculate using the SG-PERCENTAGE formula cannot include fee items that Civic Platform calculates using the SG-LINEAR_WITH_MIN_MAX formula. This formula is already a subtotal of other fee items.

  • When a user assesses a SG-PERCENTAGE fee, it appears at the bottom of the list of assessed fees. Because this fee involves sub-totaling other fees, Civic Platform assumes this fee is the final fee in a list of fees.

  • If a fee item uses the SG-PERCENTAGE formula, and its “Assess Adjustment on Recalculation” is Yes in the Fee Item – Edit page in Classic Administration, if the fee item already exists in a record, users cannot add the fee item again unless the existing item status is VOIDED.