Structures and Establishments Overview

A structure is a physical building or building improvement, such as a mall, an apartment complex, or an office building. You can set up structure records to track the relationships between structures and the addresses, parcels, and owners they have an association with, as well as the records they have a link to.

An establishment is an entity within a structure; for example, an individual store that leases space in a shopping mall. Establishments may have different APO data from the structures they occupy, so Civic Platform allows users to link address, parcel, and owner information to individual structure records and establishment records, enabling users to track the relationship between structures and establishments. Users can also associate applications to structure records and establishment records.

Creating a Structure or Establishment

You can create a structure or establishment record as needed. This is particularly useful if your agency wants to track the different shops within a shopping mall or the various apartment owners within a large apartment building.

To create a structure or establishment

  1. Navigate to the Structures and Establishments portlet.

    Civic Platform displays the Structures and Establishments list portlet.

  2. Click New.

    Civic Platform displays a detail form.

  3. Complete the following required fields:

    Group Choose either Structure or Establishment.
    Type Choose a structure type based on the group you selected.

    Civic Platform displays a portlet containing the fields associated with the Group and Type you selected.

  4. Complete the form with available data. See Structure and Establishment Fields for field definitions.

  5. Click Submit.

    Civic Platform creates the structure or establishment.

Viewing or Editing a Structure or Establishment

  1. Navigate to the Structures and Establishments portlet.

    Civic Platform displays the Structures and Establishments list portlet.

  2. Click Search.

  3. Enter search criteria as needed, then click Submit.

    Civic Platform returns a list of structures and establishments meeting your search criteria.

  4. Click the hyperlinked name of the structure or establishment record you want to view.

    Civic Platform displays the appropriate structure or establishment record detail.

  5. Modify fields as needed. See Structure and Establishment Fields for field definitions.

  6. Click Save.

Deleting a Structure or Establishment

When you delete a structure or establishment, Civic Platform preserves the record and its information but sets its status to Inactive. You can still search for the record, edit it, and activate it, and the deleted records are still accessible under the records that are using them.

If you want to delete a structure that has establishments associated to it, Civic Platform will ask if you want to delete the structure only or the structure and its associated establishments.

To delete a structure or establishment

  1. Navigate to the Structures and Establishments portlet.

    Civic Platform displays the Structures and Establishments list portlet.

  2. Click Search.

  3. Enter search criteria as needed, then click Submit.

    Civic Platform returns a list of structures and establishments meeting your search criteria.

  4. Select the structure or establishment you want to delete.

  5. Click Delete.

    If you have chosen to delete a structure that has one or more establishments associated to it, a dialog box displays, asking if you want to delete the structure and its associated establishments.

    Click Yes to delete the structure and establishments. Click No to delete only the structure.

    Civic Platform deletes the selected object(s).

Activating an Inactive Structure or Establishment

When you delete a structure or establishment record, both the record and its information are saved in the database with status = Inactive. You can search for and re-activate a deleted structure or establishment record.

To reactivate an inactive structure or establishment

  1. Find the structure or establishment you want to reactivate. See Viewing or Editing a Structure or Establishment for instructions.

    Civic Platform returns a list of records that match your search criteria.

  2. Click the hyperlinked name of the desired structure or establishment.

    Civic Platform displays the Structure or Establishment detail portlet.

  3. Set the Status field to Active.

    Civic Platform reactivates the object and adds it to your Structures and Establishments list portlet.