Organizing the SmartChart Portlet

You can modify which charts display in the SmartCharts Portlet and the order in which the charts appear. Your agency administrator determines the charts you can select from.

If the SmartChart portlet is empty, contact your agency administrator. The portlet may be empty because your administrator has not assigned any SmartCharts to your user group or because your user group does not have access to SmartChart functionality.

To organize your SmartChart portlet

  1. Navigate to the portlet you want to work in.

  2. Select SmartChart from the Menu drop-down list.

    Civic Platform displays a thumbnail of the default SmartChart to the right of the list.

  3. Click Edit.

    Civic Platform displays a pop-window for the SmartChart Organizer.

  4. If you want to show or hide a SmartChart:

    1. Select one or more fields from the list of available SmartCharts. Hold the CTRL key to select multiple fields.

    2. Click the right and left-+facing arrows to move the SmartCharts into the correct boxes to either hide or show. Click the double arrows to move all SmartCharts.

  5. If you want to change the SmartChart sequence:

    1. In the Show list, select the SmartChart that you want to move.

    2. Click the up or down arrow to change the position of the SmartChart in the sequence.

      Civic Platform displays selected SmartCharts from left to right on horizontal portlets and top to bottom on vertical portlets.

  6. When the Show SmartCharts list displays only the SmartCharts you want to display, in the order that you want to display them, click Submit.

    Civic Platform updates the portlet to reflect your changes.