
Civic Platform


System Switch


When users add a fee item with the SG-PERCENTAGE calc formula to a record, Civic Platform calculates its fee based on the sum of the other fee items that belong to the same subgroup in the record. This Standard Choice defines whether to include all the fee items in the sum, or the fee items of the New status only, and also determines whether users can recalculate an “Invoiced” fee item of the SG-PERCENTAGE calc formula.

Standard Choice values include:

Yes. Civic Platform calculates the fee with the SG-PERCENTAGE calc formula based on the sum of the other fee items of the New Status that belong to the same subgroup. Besides, when users recalculate the fees in a record, if the fee item of the SG-PERCENTAGE formula is in the Invoiced status, the recalculation does not change the value of the fee item.

No {Default}. Civic Platform calculates the fee based on the sum of all the other fee items that belong to the same subgroup. Besides, users can recalculate the fee item of the SG-PERCENTAGE formula even if the fee item is in the Invoiced status.