Changing the Default Administrator Passwords

It is imperative that you change the default administrator passwords after performing a new installation of Civic Platform.

To change the default administrator passwords:

  1. Log in to Civic Platform Super Agency.
  2. For new installations, you must first create the agency before you can change the default administrator passwords.
    1. Go to Agency > Add.
    2. Refer to the Civic Platform On-Premise Administrator Supplement for complete instructions.
  3. After you create the agency, change the default password for both of the following users:
    • Super agency admin user
    • Agency admin user
    1. Navigate to the Classic Administration page.
    2. Choose User Profile > User.
    3. Locate the user profile you want to change the password for.
    4. Enter the new password for the user.
    5. Enter the new password again to confirm it.
    6. Click Save.