Viewing Record Information

You can view all the data related to a record and edit some data as needed.


Viewing or Editing Record Details

You can quickly access a list of records you are currently responsible for maintaining, as well as view the details of the current record in the detail portlet below.

To view record details

  1. Navigate to the portlet you want to work in; for example, the Service Request portlet.

    Civic Platform displays the list portlet.

  2. Use Search and QuickQuery to filter the record display. See 1-understandingQuickqueries.html#id7b225ea6-c25f-4411-a278-59eabca45a46 for information about using QuickQueries. See Using the Search Features for information about using the Search tool.

  3. Locate the record you want to view and click the record hyperlink.

    Civic Platform displays the detail portlet below the list portlet.

  4. Select from the available tabs in the detail portlet to view record details.

  5. To edit record details, update the fields that display on the selected tab.

  6. Click Submit.

Viewing Additional Information about Records

When working with records, you have additional data you can refer to as needed.

Viewing or Editing a Record Summary

You can view a summary of record details and you can edit them as needed.

To view or edit a record summary

  1. Navigate to the portlet you want to work in; for example, the Building portlet.

    Civic Platform displays the list portlet.

  2. Locate the record you want to view and click the record hyperlink.

    Civic Platform displays the detail portlet below the list portlet.

  3. Click the Record tab.

  4. Click Summary.

    Civic Platform displays the record summary portlet.

  5. Edit the data as needed.

  6. Click Submit.

Viewing Record Status History

A status history is available for your reference. It is essentially a record of all the statuses for a record. For example, you can see why it took so long to approve a particular application. You can also answer a citizen’s question about why your agency did not approve his permit.

To view a status history

  1. Navigate to the portlet you want to work in; for example, the Building portlet.

    Civic Platform displays the list portlet.

  2. Locate the record you want to view and click the record hyperlink.

    Civic Platform displays the detail portlet below the list portlet.

  3. Click the Status History tab.

    Civic Platform displays the Status History list portlet.

  4. Click the link of any item in the list that you want to view.

    Civic Platform displays the detail portlet.