Examining the Accounting Interface Details

There are many detail forms and many fields you work with as you perform accounting processes. The following tables list and define the default fields available in the different interfaces you might encounter.

Fee List Fields

The following table defines the default fields on the fee list.

Account Code 1/2/3 A fee item may be comprised of several fees. For example, an application fee might include a registration fee and an examination fee. If configured by your agency administrator, Accela Civic Platform can automatically split the fee item to several fees, each associated with its specific account code. This field displays the account code(s) that get a portion of the fee.
Account Fee 1/2/3 This field displays the portion of the fee amount that Civic Platform is to allocate to the corresponding account code. For example, Account Fee 1 is the fee for Account Code 1. If you split a fee item among account codes, the sum of the amounts in Account Fee 1, Account Fee 2, and Account Fee 3 must equal the fee for the fee item.
Date Assessed Assessment date of the fee for this application.
Fee The total amount of the fee in dollars.
Fee Code A unique code that identifies the fee item. The fee code often refers to the source or purpose of the fee item. For example, if you use this fee item to calculate the value of a window, the fee code can be “Window”
Fee Item A brief description of the fee item. For example, you can enter the source or purpose for the fee.
Invoice # A unique number that identifies the invoice on which this fee appears.
Period The payment period that the fee belongs to. For example, if fee assessment and fee payment occur during the inspection phase, you can name the payment period “Inspection.” A payment period is a subset of the fee schedule.
Quantity The quantity entered upon fee assessment.
Status Indicates where in the accounting process the fee currently is. For example, if the status is “New,” the fee assessment occurred recently. If the Status is “Invoiced,” a fee invoice exists. Click the link to the invoice number to view the invoice.
Subgroup The subgroup period that the fee belongs to. A fee item may belong to multiple subgroups. A subgroup is a subset of the payment period.
Unit The unit of work required for the occupancy. The unit allows you to calculate the value of the occupancy, or job value.

Valuation Calculator Fields

The following table defines the default fields on the Valuation Calculator.

Extra Amount Used to add extra dollar amounts to the Total Valuation. You can use positive or negative numbers.
Exclude from Regional Modifier Use to create a valuation occupancy record that excludes the regional modifier to calculate total valuation. Clear this option to enable regional modifier functionality.
Multiplier A numeric data field that Civic Platform uses to modify a valuation. Use the Multiplier field in addition to the Regional Modifier for calculations. An agency has the ability to valuate based on the multiplier alone, which means it can operate excluding the Regional Modifier. The value entered in this field multiplies the total Valuation (before Extra Amount) in addition to the regional modifier. Format the number with a decimal (max total numbers before decimal is 5 and max total number after decimal is 4).
Occupancy The purpose or use of the property or building that you are valuating. An occupancy is typically a building or part of a building that someone intends to occupy. A few examples include apartments, homes, hospitals, auditoriums, churches, or banks.
Unit Type The qualities of the occupancy that indicate the work required to build the occupancy. For example, if the occupancy is a basement, you might enter “finished” as the qualifier. Your agency administrator determines these values
Unit The measurable unit of work required for the occupancy. The unit allows you to calculate the value of the occupancy, or job value.
Unit Amount The total number of units.
Version The occupancy version that you want to apply to the valuation calculation. For example, the occupancy is a Residential dwelling, and versions are single-dwellings and duplexes.

Batch Invoice Fields

The following table defines the default fields on the Batch Invoice form.

Alternate ID An alternate identification number for the invoice.
Balance Due The unpaid amount on the invoice.
Record ID The identification number for the record.
Invoice Amount The total amount due on the invoice.
Invoice Batch Date The date when you create the invoice.
Invoice Batch Number The batch number that contains the invoice.
Invoice Comment Enter any comments associated with the invoice.
Invoice Date The generation date of the invoice.
Invoice Due Date The date the fees on the invoice are due.
Invoice Level The invoice level of importance.
Invoice Number The invoice identification number.
Invoice Status The status of the invoice. For example, paid.
Invoice Status Date The date when the invoice status changed. For example, if a licensed professional made a partial payment.
Print Invoice Number A number to identify the order that invoices print.
Printed The date that the batch prints.

Invoice Detail Fields

The following table defines the default fields on the Invoice Detail form.

Fee For each fee item, the amount of the fee multiplied by the quantity.
Fee Item A description of each fee itemized on the invoice.
Invoice # A unique number that identifies the invoice.
Invoice Date The date when the invoice generates.
Period For each fee item on the invoice, the payment period to which a fee item belongs.
Qty (Quantity) The assessment quantity for each fee item on the invoice.
Record ID # The identification number of the application to which the invoice belongs.
Total Fee The total amount owed on the invoice.

Common Payment Details

The following table defines the common fields on the payment form for all the payment methods.

Amount Enter the total payment amount. By default, the total balance owed populates this field.
Balance In case of underpayment, this read-only field displays the under-paid amount with the following equation: Balance= Fee Total-Total Tendered. Otherwise, the field displays a zero (0.00).
CC Auth Code The three digit authorization number located on back of the credit card.
Change In case of overpayment, this field displays the amount of money due back to the payor. The over-paid amount populates the Change and Unapplied Credit fields with the following equation: Change + Unapplied Credit= Total Tendered - Fee Total

If the payment method is not Cash, both the Change and Unapplied Credit fields display as read-only, with a zero (0.00) in Change, and the total over-paid amount in Unapplied Credit. If the payment method is Cash, both fields are editable.

Comment Any comments pertaining to the payment.
Fee Total This read-only field displays the total amount of fees for all of the records and POS items listed in the Payment Processing portlet. If some fee items have outstanding negative fees, the total amount counts in the absolute values of the negative fees.
Payment Method The form of payment. For example, cash or check. If you are accepting two different forms of payment, you can separately apply payments for each payment method.
Total Tendered This read-only field displays the total monies received during the payment process on the selected records.
Unapplied Credit In case of overpayment, this field displays the over-paid amount to add to the record with the highest record ID in the Payment Processing portlet for future fees. Otherwise, the field displays as read-only with a zero (0.00). The over-paid amount populates the Change and Unapplied Credit fields with the following equation: Change + Unapplied Credit= Total Tendered - Fee Total

If the payment method is not Cash, both the Change and Unapplied Credit fields displays as read-only, with a zero (0.00) in Change, and the total over-paid amount in Unapplied Credit. If the payment method is Cash, both fields are editable.

Cash Payment Details

The following table defines the default fields on the Cash Payment form in addition to the fields given in Common Payment Details.

Payor Enter the name of the payor. You can use the picker next to the field to select a payor from the payor list.
Received Select the payment delivery method; for example, In Person, Mail, or Fax.
Reference # If you are receiving a check payment, enter the check number. You can leave the field empty if the payment method is cash.

Credit Card Payment Details

The following table defines the default fields on the Credit Card Payment form in addition to the fields given in Common Payment Details.

Account Number The credit card account number.
Business Name Enter the business name of the credit card holder.
Card Holder’s Name If the payment method is Credit, enter the name of the credit card holder exactly as it appears on the credit card.
Card Holder’s Email Enter the email address of the credit card holder.
Card Security Code If the payment method is Credit, enter the credit card security code located on the back of the credit card.
Card Type From the drop-down list choose a credit card type. For example, Civic Platform accepts Discover, Master Card, American Express, Visa, and Diner’s Club.
Comment Enter any comments or notes about this transaction.
City Enter the city of the credit card holder.
Expiration Date Enter the credit card expiration date.
Received Select the payment delivery method; for example, In Person, Mail, or Fax.
State/Province From the drop-down list, choose the state or province where the card holder resides.
Street Address Enter the street address of the credit card holder.
Street Address2 Enter the street address of the credit card holder into the Street Address and Street Address2 fields if the address needs two lines.
Telephone Enter the telephone number of the credit card holder.
Zip Enter the zip code of the credit card holder.

Check Payment Details

The following table defines the default fields on the Check Payment detail form in addition to the fields given in Common Payment Details.

Account Number The checking account number on the bottom of the check.
Business Name The business name of the check holder.
Check Processing Type The check processing type. For example, Account Debit or Electronic Check.
Check Holder’s Email The email address of the check holder.
Check Holder’s Name The name of the check holder.
Check Number The check number of the check.
Check Type The check type From the drop-down list. For example, company or personal.
City Enter the city of the credit card holder
Comment Any comments or notes about this transaction.
Driver License The drivers license number of the check holder.
Phone Number The phone number of the check holder.
Received The payment delivery method; for example, In Person, Mail, or Fax
Routing Number The routing number on the bottom of the check.
SSN/Federal Tax ID The check holder’s social security number for personal checks or the company’s federal tax id number for business checks.
State/Province The state or province where the card holder resides.
Street Address The street address of the check holder.
Street Address2 The street address of the check holder into the Street Address and Street Address2 fields if the address needs two lines.
Zip The zip code of the check holder.

Refund Details

The following table defines the default fields on the Refund detail forms in addition to the fields given in Common Payment Details.

CC Auth. Code The three digit authorization number located on back of the credit card.
Comments Any important comments or notes about the refund payment.
Method The method used to issue the refund payment. For example, Cash, Check, or Credit.
Paid To The name of the person receiving the refund.
Reason The reason for the refund.
Reference # The check number or the number that identifies the other document.
Refund Amount The total amount of money that you are actually refunding. This may or may not equal the total available amount. The amount available includes the balance of any payments that have not yet been applied as well as the total amount of any refunds that you just applied toward one or more fees.
Refunded The manner in which the payment was refunded. For example, In Person, Mail, or Fax.
Trust Account The trust account to return the funds to.

Payment Summary Fields

The following table defines the default fields on the Payment Summary form.

Amount The total amount due of all fee items listed on the invoice.
Amount The total amount of the payment or the refund transaction.
Amount Not Applied The total amount of unallocated payments.
Balance This field displays the difference between the total amount owed on the invoice and the total amount paid. A zero displays in this field if the customer has paid all of the fees in full.
Cashier ID Your identification name or your identification number. This ID shows up on any fees, invoices, and receipts that you generate.
Date Today’s date. This date shows up on any fees, invoices, and receipts that you generate today.
Date The date of the transaction.
Full Paid Indicates payment status. A “Y” value in this field indicates there are no outstanding balances on this invoice. A “N” indicates there are outstanding fees awaiting payment.
Invoice # A unique number that identifies the invoice.
Method The method of payment such as credit, cash, or check.
Not Applied The amount of the payment or the refund that Civic Platform has not allocated to an invoiced fee.
Receipt # If you generate a receipt for a transaction (payment or refund), the receipt number identifies the receipt.
Received The payment delivery method; for example, In Person, Mail, or Fax.
Status The current status of the transaction such as paid or voided.
Terminal # An identification name or an identification number that identifies the terminal you are using to accept payments. This ID shows up on any fees, invoices, and receipts that you generate.
Total Balance The difference between the total amount of invoiced fees and any payments that Civic Platform has applied toward this application.
Total Invoice Amount The total amount of fees invoiced to the applicant, billing contact, organization, or other responsible party.
Total Payment The total amount of payments received from the applicant, billing contact, organization, or other responsible party.
Transactions The type of transaction such as payment or refund.

Receipt Details

The following table defines the default fields on the Receipt detail form.

Amount Paid The total amount of the payment or the refund transaction.
Cashier ID The identification name or the identification number of the individual responsible for the transaction.
Comments Any comments surrounding the transaction.
Owner Info The contact responsible for making a payment or receiving a refund.
Payment Date The date when the transaction occurred.
Payment Method The method of payment such as credit, cash, or check.
Receipt No If you generate a receipt for a transaction (payment or refund), the receipt number identifies the receipt.
Ref Number The check number or number that appears on the document.
Work Description The type of application to which the transaction or payment applies. For example, the application type may be “New Residential” if the application is for a new home.

Trust Account Form Fields

The following table defines the default fields on the Trust Account form.

Account ID The account ID number for the trust account.
Balance The balance of the trust account in dollars
City The city corresponding to the address on record.
County The county corresponding to the address on record.
Description The description of the trust account.
Dir The type of street, such as “Lane” or “Avenue.”
Direction The street direction. For example, choose N to indicate a north direction, such as North Broadway.
Distance The distance from another landmark used to locate the address.
First Name The first name of the individual responsible for the trust account.
Inspection District Prefix The prefix for the inspection district within which the address resides.
Last Name The last name of the individual responsible for the trust account.
Ledger Account The ledger account of the trust account.
Lot The name, or boundaries, of the lot associated with the application.
Middle Name The middle name of the individual responsible for the trust account.
Neighborhood The neighborhood within which the address resides.
Neighborhood Prefix The prefix for the neighborhood within which the address resides.
Organization Name The organization name of the contact associated with the trust account.
Overdraft This defines whether the trust account can use an overdraft option.
Overdraft Limit The overdraft limit amount, in dollars, for the trust account.
Parcel # Full or partial parcel number.
People Type Type of contact associated with the trust account.
Prefix Any part of the address that should come before the street name or the number, such as a direction. For example “north” in North Willow Drive.
Range The range number of the address.
Reference Address ID The identification for any reference address.
Secondary Road The road for the secondary address.
Secondary Road Number The number of the address’s secondary road.
Section The section of the subdivision in which the address resides.
State The state corresponding to the address on record
Status The status of the trust account (open or closed).
Street Name The street name for the address.
Street # (start/end) The street number(s) of the property. If the address includes multiple street numbers (for example, a fourplex), you can use the Street # Start and Street # End fields to define the range of numbers. Agencies can configure the Street # Start and End fields to support range search (adding To-From fields), allowing users to search for one or multiple street numbers within a user-defined range.
Type The type of item associated with the property that you are searching for, such as Licensed Professional, Contact, Address or Parcel.
Unit # (Number) The unit or the apartment number. When searching for an address, you may be able to specify a range of numbers in the corresponding Start and End fields.
Unit Type The type of structure for this address, for example, apartment or condo.
X Coordinate The latitudinal coordinate for the address.
Y Coordinate The longitudinal coordinate for the address.

Payment Details for a Set

The following table defines the default fields on the Payment Details form for a set.

Amount The total payment amount.
Bank Name The name of the bank that issued the credit card or the check.
CC Auth Code The credit card number.
CC Exp Date The credit card’s expiration date.
CC Holder Name The name of the credit card holder as it appears on the credit card.
Check Holder’s Email The email address of the check holder.
Check Holder’s Name The name of the check holder.
Check Number The check number.
Check Type The check type from the drop-down list. For example, company or personal.
City The city of the payor.
Comment Comments to help identify or explain the reason for this payment. If there are any special circumstances for this payment, indicate them here.
Country/Region The country or region of the payor.
Driver’s License The drivers license number of the payor.
Method The payment method. For example, choose Cash, Check, or Credit Card. If your agency uses a cash drawer and if the method of payment is cash or check, then Civic Platform opens the cash drawer so that you can put the payment into the cash drawer.
Payor The name of the payor.
Phone Number The phone number of the payor.
Received The payment delivery method; for example, In Person, Mail, or Fax.
Reference # If you are receiving a check payment, this is the check number.
State The state where the payor is located.
Trust Account The number or code that identifies the terminal where you are accepting payment.
Zip The zip code of the payor.

Cashier Session Form Fields

The following table defines the default fields on the Cashier Session form.

Begin Time Use the From and To fields to enter the date parameters that you want to use for your search.
Deposit Date Specify a deposit date in this field (Supervisors only). After submittal, you can modify both the Deposit Slip # and the Deposit Date fields.
Deposit Slip # After a cashier deposits the total dollar amount of a cashier session in a bank, the bank issues a deposit slip #. A supervisor can modify this value after someone enters a deposit date.
End Time Use the From and To fields to enter the date parameters that you want to use for your search. Civic Platform returns cashier sessions with dates that fall within the range you specified.
First Name The first name of the cashier that you want to search for.
Last Name The last name of the cashier that you want to search for.
Session Number The cashier session number that you want to search for.
Status Closed Select to search for closed cashier sessions.Enabled Select to search for active cashier sessions.