Searching a Part Inventory

An agency can have thousands of parts at various locations. To find a specific fitting you want to replace on the city water main, use a search to enter all information you have on the part to filter the search results.

The search criteria might begin with the Part Number. If you do not have the number, identify the Part Type as fittings, because a fitting is the part needed to fix the water main. Then identify the part description and the part brand. The unit cost can also help in limiting your search results.

To search for a part in the part inventory

  1. In V360, click the Part Inventory main link. If you are using the default settings, this appears on the main console as a hyperlink name.

    Accela Civic Platform - Asset displays the list of all parts.

  2. Click Search.

    Accela Civic Platform - Asset displays the fields that apply to the part.

  3. Enter the Part Number if you have it. If you do not have the Part Number, select the Part Type, and then enter the Part Description and Part Brand.

  4. Complete any of the fields that display that apply to the part you are searching for.

  5. Click Submit.

    Accela Civic Platform - Asset returns a list of all parts that match your search parameters.

  6. Click the part number for the part you want to review.