Integration Environment

Integration environment settings define parameters for connecting to the product environment.


Accela GIS 8.x supports product integration with Civic Platform and Citizen Access.

Environment Integration Settings

Integration Name The descriptive name of the product integration environment. For example, Bridgeview .
AA GIS Service ID The service ID.

For Civic Platform integration, this should match the GIS Service ID defined in Civic Platform Classic Administraton.

For Citizen Access integration, this should match the GIS Service ID specified on the Citizen Access Administration site.

Product The product to integrate with Accela GIS.

For Civic Platform (8.x), choose "Accela Automation".

For Citizen Access (8.0.1 and later), choose "Citizen Portal".

Application Server URL The business application serverURL. For example, http://<host>:3080 where <host> represents your agency’s business application server name.
Automation User Name A valid Civic Platform user name. uses the username to connect to the Application Server.
Automation Password The password for the Civic Platform user name.
Default If checked, this integration displays by default
Test Connection Click the Test Connection link to test the server connection using the server URL and account information you provided. If Accela GIS successfully connected to the specified server URL using the account information, a confirmation message is displayed. Otherwise, consult with the Accela product administrator to ensure the connection parameters are correct.